Commencement 2024

LIVESTREAM EVENT Commencement was Friday, June 14

Poly Prep’s 167th Commencement Ceremony

Celebrating the Class of 2024

Friday, June 14 at 9:30 AM

Dyker Heights Campus

>> 观看2024届毕业典礼的直播.


Arrow pattern blue

Printable Processional Schedule


Blue Devil mascot characters

View our visitor policy.

Commencement 2023 from above


  • ARRIVAL TIME: 8:00 AM 
  • ARRIVAL LOCATION: Novogratz Gym, 3rd Floor. 早餐,衣服,排队都在诺沃格拉茨发生.
  • 帽子: Caps may be decorated. If you decide to do this, you 必须 在排练的时候带上你的帽子进行审查 Thursday, May 30 or June 12, 2024.
  • CLASS OF 2024 GROUP PHOTO: 9:15 AM. 在诺沃格拉茨外的草坪上集合,为2024届学生拍照. If rain, assemble in Student Center.
  • PROCESSION: 毕业生将在诺沃格拉茨体育馆成对进行训练, through the building, 走到棒球场和垒球场之间的人行道上, 斯坦伯格运动场(足球场).
  • 服装: Commencement is a formal occasion. 请选择适合这个重要的里程碑事件的服装. 避免牛仔、人字拖、短裤或其他过于休闲的衣服.
  • RECEPTION: 毕业典礼后随即举行招待会. Light refreshments will be served. 如果毕业典礼在室内举行,招待会将被取消.
  • 雨: Rain may be a factor. 请记住帽子和鞋子. 如果下雨,保利将为您提供雨披.

Class of 2023
Families at Commencement



  • PARKING: 在安全小组的指导下沿着第七大道倾斜停车.
  • ENTER: 8:45 AM 穿过Steinberg运动场(足球场)的人行大门.  Look for balloons marking entrance.
  • SEATING: The graduation procession begins at 9:40 AM. 你 must be seated prior to this time. 游行进行时,任何人不得进入座位区. Please make sure you’re seated by 9:30 AM.
  • CEREMONY: Begins at 10:00 AM
  • RECEPTION: 毕业典礼后随即举行招待会. Light refreshments will be served. 如果毕业典礼在室内举行,招待会将被取消.
  • ACCESSIBILITY: For persons with limited mobility or if 如需其他客人协助,请联系 Amy Schlansky ’83, P’22 by 4:00 PM on Monday, June 10, 2024.
  • RAIN OR SHINE: Dress for the weather! 雨披将根据需要提供给所有客人. See below for additional information.
  • NUMBER OF GUESTS: If ceremony is held outdoors as planned, there are unlimited family guests who may attend. 如果天气预报说会有雷暴,我们需要 pivot to an indoor ceremony由于场地有限,只允许家庭参加 4 ticketed guests 只有.
  • PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEO: 一个专业的摄影师和摄像师将捕捉这个重要的日子. 毕业典礼开始后,请各位就座. 照片将提供给家属.
  • LIVESTREAM: 家人和朋友可以远程直播活动. 在仪式开始前不久,链接将会直播.

注意: In case of thunderstorms, we will move the event indoors to the Chapel; each family will be allowed 4 ticketed guests. Tickets will be issued digitally.  我们正在密切关注天气情况,如果婚礼在室内举行,我们将发送详细的最新消息.

教师 & 工作人员 Commencement



  • ARRIVAL LOCATION: Legacy Gym, 3rd Floor. 早餐和排队都在传统健身房进行. 在保利大学,阵容是按照任命顺序排列的,从任职时间最长的教员开始. 下面提到的长袍也发生在遗产中.
  • 衣服: 以下教职人员将穿着长袍:副院长, Academics, Head of Lower School, Head of Middle School, Head of Upper School, Head of 艺术, Dean of 教师, Director of DEIB, 教师 Announcer.
  • PARKING: Park at the front of the campusthe 92nd Street gate will be open.
  • BREAKFAST: Light refreshments will be provided.
  • LINE UP: 9:30 AM-由Michael Junsch(71届,94届,95届)带领的教师队伍. 按年资排好队(名单将张贴),准备游行. 
  • PROCESSION: 你’ll process from the Legacy Gym, through the Novogratz building, 走到棒球场和垒球场之间的人行道上, 斯坦伯格运动场(足球场).
  • RECEPTION: 毕业典礼后随即举行招待会. Light refreshments will be served. 如果毕业典礼在室内举行,招待会将被取消.
  • 衣服: 除上述人员外,教职员将不会穿著长袍. 毕业典礼隆重隆重,教职员应著正装出席. (请不要穿短裤、牛仔布、人字拖和类似的休闲装.在规划你的鞋子时,请考虑到天气、步行和楼梯.
  • RAIN OR SHINE: Dress for the weather! Rain may be a factor. 请记住帽子和鞋子. Ponchos will be available if needed.

Student Procession at commencement
Commencement 2023 工作人员



  • WELCOME: 出席的工作人员被邀请与我们的家人一起在一般座位区以及仪式后的招待会上.
  • PARKING: Park at the front of the campus the 92nd Street gate will be open.
  • RECEPTION: 毕业典礼后随即举行招待会. Light refreshments will be served. 如果毕业典礼在室内举行,招待会将被取消.

Commencement Selfie
Commencement Trustees



  • ARRIVAL LOCATION: 传统健身房将是你早餐、更衣和排队的基地.
  • BREAKFAST: Breakfast will be provided.
  • VIP PARKING: Parking placards will be provided.
  • LINE UP: 9:30 AM-校董和董事会主席跟随教员.
  • PROCESSION: 你’ll process from the Legacy Gym, through the Novogratz building, 走到棒球场和垒球场之间的人行道上, 斯坦伯格运动场(足球场).
  • 衣服: 将为执行委员会提供长袍 只有. 受托人应著著适合该典礼的严肃性及重要性的职业装. 在规划你的鞋子时,请考虑到天气、步行和楼梯.
  • RAIN OR SHINE: Dress for the weather! Rain may be a factor. 请记住帽子和鞋子. Ponchos will be available if needed.
  • RECEPTION: 毕业典礼后随即举行招待会. Light refreshments will be served. 如果毕业典礼在室内举行,招待会将被取消.

Commencement hug
Commencement set-up

Processional Schedule

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Arrival and breakfast

8:45 AM – 9:15 AM Robe up (graduates)

上午9:15 - 9:40排队 排在通往诺沃格拉茨大楼的连接门的最前面,按照预约的顺序. 将张贴名单以帮助排队.

Procession lineup order/locations:

  • Sr. 教员(Michael Junsch 71届,94届,95届)
  • 教师-在遗产体育馆到诺沃格拉茨大厅成对集合
  • Board Chair, Trustees, John Rankin, Michal Hershkovitz P’16, ’18, Division Heads, Erika Freeman P’24, ’26, ’28, ’32, Michael Robinson, Andrea Del Valle P’29, ’33, 2024届教职员工家长在Novogratz大厅集合(讲台座位)
  • 学生-在Novogratz体育馆集合(由院长监督)

9:40 AM Procession begins – Through the Novogratz lobby, 穿过棒球场和垒球场之间的走道,到达斯坦伯格运动场. (football field).

Procession is by pairs. 教师座位位于讲台的左右两侧,面向毕业生. At the field, you’ll go up the center aisle and split, 左边的人去左边的座位右边的人去右边的座位

有毕业生的教师/职员/受托人家长 are invited to join John Rankin, trustees, 管理人员会在适当的时候走上讲台,给他们颁发毕业证书. In terms of lineup, 你和其他教师/职员/毕业生家长将按字母顺序排在部门负责人后面, and follow the group to the dais seating.

